I have tests for class, that uses RestTemplate
. Now I need to write another test for the similar class.
I've decided to move @ContextHierarchy
to separate interface like below
@ContextConfiguration(classes = {
ObjectMapperConfiguration.class, // ObjectMapper
HttpMessageConverterConfiguration.class // MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter
@ContextConfiguration(classes = HttpMessageConvertersAutoConfiguration.class),
@ContextConfiguration(classes = RestTemplateAutoConfiguration.class), // RestTemplate builder
@ContextConfiguration(classes = {
RestTemplateConfig.class, // finally RestTemplate
// tested service was HERE
public interface RestTemplateTest {
@ContextConfiguration(classes = TestedService.class) // now it is HERE
public class RestTest implements RestTemplateTest {
The problem is that code about doesn't work. I receive error message from Spring that TestedService
cannot be created because there's no bean of type RestTemplate
If I move TestedService
back to @ContextHierarchy
then everything is fine.
It's turned out that to make everything to work RestTemplateTest must be a class, not an interface