I want to insert some text after all the headings in an org file.
For example, suppose I have:
* Header foo
* Header bar
After running (insert-after-heading "NEW TEXT"), I should have:
* Header foo
* Header bar
The best I managed so far was doing the following:
(goto-char (point-min))
(goto-char (re-search-forward "^*"))
(set-mark (line-beginning-position))
(goto-char (point-max))
(lambda () (progn (forward-line)(new-line)(previous-line) (insert "NEW TEXT") )
However, this insert the text before the properties.
(defun goto-header()
(let ((beg-end (org-get-property-block))):
(when beg-end
(let ((end (cdr beg-end)))
(goto-char end))))
works as a way of moving the point to the correct location, so that insert can properly insert the text. Is there a better way?
To go to the end of property drawer you can use (org-end-of-meta-data t)
. So one shorter function would be
(defun goto-header()
(org-end-of-meta-data t)