I have a variable filterStartHour
which depends on a user input (Reactstrap
Input of type time
I'm trying to convert the input which is in the hh:mm
format (e.g 14:32) to ISO 8601 with the current date (e.g 2020-06-29T14:32:00.000Z).
This is what I have tried.
this.setState({ filterStartHour: moment(this.state.filterStartHour).format() }) // Or with .toISOString()
But they return either Invalid date
or null
Or you just tell moment the format of the input:
const time = '15:42';
const isoDate = moment.utc(time, "HH:mm");
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.17.1/moment.js"></script>