I have a list of CIDR Ipv6 addresses
How can I get the ip range From - To without use of external libraries (not included in the VS install)? This is not a duplicate of convert cidr to range as my question is refering to the IPv6 notation, not IPv4.
Input: 2c0f:fe40:8000::/48
Output: 2c0f:fe40:8000:0:0:0:0:0 - 2c0f:fe40:8000:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff
I wrote a quick solution for your problem without using any external library, here you can find the source code.
An example about how to use it:
CidrBlock block = CidrBlock.Parse("2c0f:fe40:8000::/48");
Console.WriteLine($"Start address: {block.StartAddress.IPAddress}");
Console.WriteLine($"End address: {block.EndAddress.IPAddress}");
Will return
Start address: 2c0f:fe40:8000::
End address: 2c0f:fe40:8000:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff