I have a string and I need this pattern $body.anyname
or $body.anyname.anyname
or like this, but not like $body.anyname.
I wrote this regex \$[body](\w+((\[\d\]){0,}\.\w+(\[\d\]){0,}){0,})
its matching the whole string but I need the body.anyname
in group 1, but getting ody.anyname
This can be done by string manipulation but for some reason I need to use regex. Check the regex here https://regex101.com/r/PigNVO/1/
You could use and assertion for a whitespace boundary at the right to exclude the dot.
Note that this part [body]
is character class that matches either b
or y
and is not part of the first group.
In parts
Match $
Capture group 1body
Match literally
Repeat 1+ times matching a dot and 1+ word chars)
Close group 1(?!\S)
Assert a whitespace boundary to the right