New facts inserting works fine but I can not find a way to fix defrule-s, e.g.
(defrule is-important
"Find important support requests."
[SupportRequest (= :high level)]
(println "High support requested!"))
[domain/SupportRequest (= :high level)]
doesn't work due to "Execution error (ClassNotFoundException) at ( SupportRequest".
(ns clara.compatibility
(:require [clara.rules.accumulators :as acc]
[ :as tracing]
[clara.domain :as domain]
[clara.rules :refer :all]))
The reason why I wanted to extract those defrecords is that the domain is rather big and I wanted to minimize the number of code lines in one file.
Is there any way to do in without falling back to lower-level fact-type-fn and regular Clojure maps?
Clara expects a class here (I am unaware for the exact reasons; I'd assume for better Java-interop (as in, using it from Java)).
Since defrecord
:s result in a class in their respective
namespace/package they are fine here.
Yet if you put them somewhere outside the rules file, you would have to
deal with them as if they were classes: you have to :import
instead of :require
:ing them.