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MP Android Chart, custom xAxis labels only on entries

1) I'm practicing stuff with graphs in order to add that feture to my app, I want the upper labels ( the xAxis base ) to be shown only where entries occur.

I haven't found a suitable solution online yet, and currently it appears on every xAxis from first entry to last entry as in the picture below:

enter image description here

I want it to be without the one sI deleted, as shown in the picture below:

enter image description here

2) and the second question I'm struggling with it is that I want to be able to draw for example in (x=5, y=7) and after it to draw at (x=1, y =3), but it wont let me add an entry with a smaller x that any other entry that already in the graph.


  • You have to extend from ValueFormatter class.

    for more detail take a look at link

    You can pick your desired logic to make the label disappear with returning "".

    for example:

    public String getFormattedValue(float value) {
      if ((int)value <= 0) //your logic to evaluate correctness
          return "";  // make lable go away

    UPDATE 2 (in Kotlin): There is another overload for getFormattedValue which have a AxisBase parameter and you can use mEntryCount or mEntries.

    override fun getFormattedValue(value: Float, axis: AxisBase?): String {
        if (axis?.mEntryCount!! <= 0)
            return ""