I have some code inside a lambda function like this:
{ y, m, d ->
// update time, but only if it has already been set
val oldTime = model.time
if (oldTime != null) {
model.time = Calendar.getInstance().apply {
time = oldTime
set(Calendar.YEAR, y)
set(Calendar.MONTH, m)
set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, d)
Is there a way to shorten this code (reduce number of times the model.time
field is referenced, and remove the temporary variable oldTime
if possible) with the let/with/apply/run functions and null safe operators?
Unfortunately putting model.time ?: return
at the start doesn't work since it's inside a lambda function.
This should shorten your code a little bit:
model.time?.let {
model.time = Calendar.getInstance().apply {
time = it
set(Calendar.YEAR, y)
set(Calendar.MONTH, m)
set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, d)