I must check if windows 10 is installed on machine, because my program supports only win10.
I tried this solution that I already found on stackoverflow.
if (IsWindowsVersionOrGreater(10, 0, 0))
MessageBox(NULL, "Your OS is not supported.", "Version Not Supported", MB_OK);
It giving me Your OS is not supported
but why? Did I understand something wrong?
Is there any other solutions to do it?
Best regards.
Have you looked at GetVersionEx() function and OSVERSIONINFOEX structure?
Possible usage:
void print_os_info()
ZeroMemory(&info, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX));
info.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX);
printf("Windows version: %u.%u\n", info.dwMajorVersion, info.dwMinorVersion);
this is the source of the answer: Get OSVersion in Windows using C++