When playing against the AI ("O"), there are many times where it is not making the optimal move.
I believe it has to do something with the evaluation between boards within the MinMax() function, but I don't see anything wrong, and was hoping another set of eyes can catch something I missed.
compare_winning(board, winningPlayer, depth, checkTie)
const winning_combos = [
for (let i = 0; i < winning_combos.length; i++)
if (board[winning_combos[i][0]].color === "x" && board[winning_combos[i][1]].color === "x" && board[winning_combos[i][2]].color === "x")
winningPlayer.win = -100 + depth;
return true;
if (board[winning_combos[i][0]].color === "ai" && board[winning_combos[i][1]].color === "ai" && board[winning_combos[i][2]].color === "ai")
winningPlayer.win = 100 - depth; // '- depth' to choose a move that will lead to a sooner win.
return true;
for (let i = 0; i < board.length; i++)
if (board[i].color === "w")
return false;
winningPlayer.win = 0;
return true;
return false;
MinMax(board, depth, player, bestSuccessor)
// When reaches a leaf node.
let winningPlayer = {};
if (this.compare_winning(board, winningPlayer, depth, true)){
return winningPlayer.win;
// Returns an array filled with different boards with every possible move 'player' can move.
let successors = this.Successors(board, player);
if (player === "ai"){
let result_value = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
for (let i = 0; i < successors.length; i++){
let value = this.MinMax(successors[i], depth + 1, "x", bestSuccessor);
if (value > result_value){
result_value = value;
bestSuccessor.move = successors[i];
return result_value;
let result_value = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
for (let i = 0; i < successors.length; i++){
let value = this.MinMax(successors[i], depth + 1, "ai", bestSuccessor);
if (value < result_value){
result_value = value;
bestSuccessor.move = successors[i];
return result_value;
I am calling MinMax() in my handleClick() function immediately after I set this.state.board with the Users move ("X").
let bestMove = {};
this.MinMax(this.state.board.flat(), 0, "ai", bestMove)
Instead of having an object bestMove = {}
passed into the MinMax() Function, rather returning the board state along with the minmax value in the MinMax() Function together as an object/list seemed to return the appropriate board. (aka. one of the next successor boards)
Before, with passing an object bestMove = {}
into the MinMax() Function, it returned the board state at the leaf node. Instead I wanted the board state with the next optimal move played.
MinMax(board, depth, player)
// When reaches a leaf node.
let winningPlayer = {};
if (this.compare_winning(board, winningPlayer, depth, true)){
return [winningPlayer.win, board];
let successors = this.Successors(board, player);
let bestBoard;
if (player === "ai"){
let result_value = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
for (let i = 0; i < successors.length; i++){
let value = this.MinMax(successors[i], depth + 1, "x")[0];
if (value > result_value){
result_value = value;
bestBoard = successors[i];
return [result_value, bestBoard];
let result_value = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
for (let i = 0; i < successors.length; i++){
let value = this.MinMax(successors[i], depth + 1, "ai")[0];
if (value < result_value){
result_value = value;
bestBoard = successors[i];
return [result_value, bestBoard];
//let bestMove = {};
let bestBoard = this.MinMax(newBoard.flat(), 0, "ai");