I tried to get numbers by prompt(), and also action name. But the result is not as expected
i am new to programming.. code:
function add(n1, n2){ return n1 + n2;}
function sub(n1, n2){ return n1 - n2;}
function mult(n1, n2){ return n1 * n2;}
function div(n1, n2){ return n1/n2;}
function calculator(n1, n2, action){
alert(action(n1, n2));
calculator(prompt("first no,"), prompt("second No"), prompt("calc"));
I suggest you take time to learn some basics, you can't convert a string to a function call unless you use eval() like this:
function add(n1, n2){ return n1 + n2;}
function sub(n1, n2){ return n1 - n2;}
function mult(n1, n2){ return n1 * n2;}
function div(n1, n2){ return n1/n2;}
function calculator(n1, n2, action){
alert(eval(`${action}(${n1}, ${n2})`));
calculator(prompt("first no,"), prompt("second No"), prompt("calc"));
But this is really hacky and unsafe code, a better approach would be:
const ops = {
"add": (n1, n2) => n1 + n2,
"sub": (n1, n2) => n1 - n2,
"mult": (n1, n2) => n1 * n2,
"div": (n1, n2) => n1/n2
function calculator(n1, n2, action){
alert(ops[action](parseFloat(n1), parseFloat(n2)));
calculator(prompt("first no,"), prompt("second No"), prompt("calc"));
Also notice the parseFloat(), if you keep the parameters as strings you will get:
input: "1", "2", "add"
output: "12"