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Cannot create medium visualization for because network node visualization is not found- Omnet++

I am attempting to add the communication ranges of the cars in the Veins_Inet example. I included a visualizer in the network NED file:

visualizer: IntegratedVisualizer {}

I also the following line to the ini file:

*.node[*].wlan[0].radio.displayCommunicationRange = true        # show range of car
*.visualizer.*.mediumVisualizer.displaySignals = true           # show signals

However, I get the following run time error after this event in the event trace:

INFO (Ieee80211ScalarRadio)TestScenario.node[0].wlan[0].radio:Radio mode changed from OFF to OFF.

<!> Cannot create medium visualization for 'TestScenario.node[0].wlan[0].radio', because network node visualization is not found for 'TestScenario.node[0]' -- in module (inet::visualizer::MediumCanvasVisualizer) TestScenario.visualizer.canvasVisualizer.mediumVisualizer (id=17), at t=0.1s, event #11

What am I missing to make the Veins_Inet scenario display the visuals? I was trying to use tutorials from here for inspiration but could not get any luck.


  • I have encountered this error as well. In my case, I was using INET 4.2 but Veins 5.0. Visualization does not work in for Veins in this version. You will need to update your veins_inet subproject to use the latest Veins.

    Specifically, the version that has this commit: