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output shows the type like Atom or Variable not the actual value of the variable(pyswip in python)

I am running the python program which is exectuing prolog queries(using pyswip library) the problem in this is that i am not getting the value of the variable in the output instead i am getting type of it like Atom/Variable with some address.

here is the code,

from pyswip import Prolog
swipl = Prolog()
swipl.assertz('(fun(X) :- car(X),red(X))')


print (list(swipl.query('car(Which)')))


[{'Which': Variable(100)}, {'Which': Variable(100)}, {'Which': Variable(70)}]

Why it is giving output like this?


  • Remember that Prolog variables start with an upper case letter and constants start with a lower case letter.

    So your program:


    Allows for any substitution:

    ?- car(beethoven).
    true ;    % Mercedes = beethoven
    true ;    % Bugatti = beethoven
    true.     % Audi = beethoven

    A shorter version of your program would be:


    But you probably don't want that anything is a car. Try replacing the variables by constants (mercedes, bugatti, audi).

    Regarding Variable(100): when you use the underscore as a don't care notation for the contents of a variable or Prolog has to introduce variables for other reasons, they usually just get a number. I assume to distinguish the variable #100 from the nuber 100, they write Variable(100)- you can recognize it's not a Prolog term because Variable would be a variable but variables don't have arguments. So if you parse the output it would be clear what is meant.