I have just started using Bitnami Elasticssearch chart to deploy my elasticsearch cluster on AWS EKS. I have been able to deploy it successfully using the values-production.yaml file.
However, there are two issues that I'd like to address:
Specify node selector/pod affinity for metrics pod: I see that the templates/metrics-deploy.yaml doesn't handle both, node selector or pod affinity. I want my metrics container to run on one of the Elasticsearch master nodes. Does that mean I have to modify the metrics-deploy.yaml file?
Specify pod affinity for kibana sub-chart: Ideally, kibana pod should be co-located with the coordinating/client node. I thought that would be the default behavior but it isn't so. How do I specify pod affinity for the kibana sub-chart from inside my customized values-production.yaml file (for Elasticsearch). I suppose I can create my own helm chart from bitnami but that sounds like a lot of work for a simple ask.
--set kibana.affinity