Search code examples

Angular dynamic checkbox Filtering implementation

thanks in advance

my Requirement is to make a custom filter with name wise search(done) and checkboxes which filters a Table's Rows(array of objects) by matching the checkbox value with the Row['tags'] (array of strings) and returns row if the tags array consist of value in a checkbox ,
The problem is that the filters(checkbox) is obtained from DB and Dynamically populated thus I cannot use ngmodel

Any implementation ideas are highly appreciated, I've seen a lot of questions with static filters and some filters using pipes but how to handle the dynamic case

so far my implementation,

<div id="searchByTag" *ngFor="let tag of tagList">
     (change)="filterByTags(tag, $event)"
   />{{ tag }}


rows=[{},{}]  //from db
temp = rows    // copied when getting row from db

filterByTags(FilterTag, event) {
    if ( {
      const filteredRow = this.rows.filter((obj) => {
          return tag.includes(FilterTag.toLowerCase());
      this.rows = filteredRow;
    } else {
      return (this.rows = this.temp);

a Row object:

    "tags" : [


other problem is that the filtering technique currently returns only one row which matches the condition (cleared), but the main thing is the dynamic implementation of tags


  • you can have ngModel:

    if this is your checkboxes = ["org", "pcb"];

    then all you need is a record to bind checkboxes values to it:

    checkboxes: {[id: string]: {value: any}} = {};
    for(let tag of this.tags) {
       this.checkboxes[tag] = {value: false}

    now in your template:

    <input type="checkbox" *ngFor="let item of tags" 

    you can see this in this stackblitz: stackblitz