I am trying to generate a dot file based on the string array.
edges =[["Source1" ,"interfaceA" , "high" , "Sink1" , "interfaceB" , "high"],
["Source2" ,"interfaceC" , "high" , "Sink2" , "interfaceD" , "low"]]
I want my output dot file data to look like :
digraph mydot {
"Source1" -> "Sink1"
label=<<font color="green">interfaceA</font>--><font color="green">interfaceB</font>>
"Source2" -> "Sink2"
label=<<font color="green">interfaceC</font>--><font color="red">interfaceD</font>>
I tried the below code but returns something like digraph unnamed {,,}
let mydot ='digraph mydot { ';
mydot += edges.map(edge => {
let sourceInterfaceColor = "red";
let sinkInterfaceColor = "red";
if (edge[2]=="high")
sourceInterfaceColor ="green";
sinkInterfaceColor ="green";
mydot +=`\
${edge[0]} -> ${edge[3]} \
[ \
label=<<font color= \"${sourceInterfaceColor}\">\"${edge[1]}\"</font>--><font color=\"${sinkInterfaceColor}\">${edge[4]}</font>> \
mydot +='}';
What would be the right way to define mydot to get the correct digraph data.
Here is a straightforward way to achieve your desired output. Generally, template literals enable multiline features
const edges =[["Source1" ,"interfaceA" , "high" , "Sink1" , "interfaceB" , "high"], ["Source2" ,"interfaceC" , "high" , "Sink2" , "interfaceD" , "low"]]
const edgeToString = edge => `
"${edge[0]}" -> "${edge[3]}"
label=<<font color="green">${edge[1]}</font>--><font color="green">${edge[4]}</font>>
const digraphToString = edges => `digraph mydot {${edges.map(edgeToString).join('')}\n}`