I am new to Klipfolio and need some help selecting data into a Klip column. From the below screenshot, I need to be able to select the total amount of receipts (Column L:L) entered per item ID (Column H:H) that occured in the date range between TODAY()-10 and TODAY()-4 (Column C:C). This is what has been developed thus far:
LOOKUP(@Sheet1,G:G;, --This is a lookup column in the Data Source 'O&M Weekly Allocation Rpt'
However this is some kind of an error (bad syntax would be my guess). Any help would be appreciated! Thanks.
DATE_ADD() has a required second parameter that is the date period which you are missing. The period in your case is "day" which will need to be selected from a drop-down once you insert a comma to include the second parameter:
To return data between 10 days and go to 4 days ago it would look like:
Additionally, it appears the dates in your raw data are "M/d/yy" as in 5/11/20 and not "MM/dd/yyyy" which would expect 05/11/2020.