I've googled about this all over the Internet and still haven't found a solution. As an ultimate try, I hope someone can give me an exact answer.
I get that error when I try to copy a file from a directory to another in an File Explorer I'm trying to do on my own. It has a treeview control to browse for directories and a listview control to display the contents of the directory. This is how the code would look like, partially:
private void copyToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
sourceDir = treeView1.SelectedNode.FullPath;
for (int i = 0; i < listView1.SelectedItems.Count; ++i)
ListViewItem l = listView1.SelectedItems[i];
toBeCopied[i] = l.Text; // string[] toBeCopied, the place where I save the file names I want to save
private void pasteToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
targetDir = treeView1.SelectedNode.FullPath;
for (int i = 0; i < toBeCopied.Length; ++i)
File.Copy(sourceDir + "\\" + toBeCopied[i], targetDir + "\\" + toBeCopied[i], true);
refreshToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender, e);
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.TargetSite);
The place where I got the error is at File.Copy(sourceDir + "\\" + toBeCopied[i] ...
I've read that it could be something that has to do with the mapping of devices, but I don't really know what that is.
You do not show where toBeCopied
is created. It looks like you are probably running past the end of the values that are set in the click event, and trying to copy a bunch of files with empty names.
You should add this to the beginning of your click event
toBeCopied = new string[listView1.SelectedItems.Count];
Also (as others have noted) instead of
sourceDir + "\\" + toBeCopied[i]
you should use
Path.Combine(sourceDir, toBeCopied[i])