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Apexcharts tooltip - how to add extra data for candlestick chart?

Is there a way to pass extra data to dataset and to display it in tooltip for apexcharts candlestick ?

I cannot find example in docs :

I would like to display tooltip like :

  • Open: xx.xx
  • High: xx.xx
  • Low: xx.xx
  • Close: xx.xx
  • extra_1: xx.xx
  • extra_2: xx.xx
  • extra_3: xx.xx
  • exta_4: xx.xx

enter image description here


  • I got it finally...

    So, for Apexcharts candlestick chart - if you want to provide extra data and display it on tooltip :

    • pass data to dataset as description

        x: new Date(t),
        y: [o, h, l, c],
        description: {
          call_ask1: call_ask1,
          call_ask2: call_ask2,
          call_bid1: call_bid1,
          call_bid2: call_bid2,
          put_ask1: put_ask1,
          put_ask2: put_ask2,
          put_bid1: put_bid1,
          put_bid2: put_bid2,
          expiry1: expiry1,
          expiry2: expiry2,
    • tooltip shoul have custom function to display extra data :

       options.tooltip = {
        custom: function (opts) {
        const desc = opts.ctx.w.config.series[opts.seriesIndex].data[opts.dataPointIndex].description;
        // candlestick standard
        const open = opts.series[opts.seriesIndex][opts.dataPointIndex];
        const high = opts.series[opts.seriesIndex][opts.dataPointIndex + 1];
        const low = opts.series[opts.seriesIndex][opts.dataPointIndex + 2];
        const close = opts.series[opts.seriesIndex][opts.dataPointIndex + 3];
        // Extra tooltip data
        const call_ask1 = desc.call_ask1;
        const call_bid1 = desc.call_bid1;
        const put_ask1 = desc.put_ask1;
        const put_bid1 = desc.put_bid1;
        const expiry1 = new Date(desc.expiry1);
        const call_ask2 = desc.call_ask2;
        const call_bid2 = desc.call_bid2;
        const put_ask2 = desc.put_ask2;
        const put_bid2 = desc.put_bid2;
        const expiry2 = new Date(desc.expiry2);
        let text = "Open : " + open + "<br>";
        text += "High : " + high + "<br>";
        text += "Low : " + low + "<br>";
        text += "Close : " + close + "<br>";
        text += "<br>";
        text += "Call Ask 1 : " + call_ask1 + "<br>";
        text += "Call Bid 1 : " + call_bid1 + "<br>";
        text += "Put Ask 1 : " + put_ask1 + "<br>";
        text += "Put Bid 1 : " + put_bid1 + "<br>";
        text += "Straddle 1 : <br>";
        text +=
          "Days to exp 1 : " +
          Math.ceil(Math.abs(expiry2 - expiry1) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)) +
        text += "<br>";
        text += "Call Ask 2 : " + call_ask2 + "<br>";
        text += "Call Bid 2 : " + call_bid2 + "<br>";
        text += "Put Ask 2 : " + put_ask2 + "<br>";
        text += "Put Bid 2 : " + put_bid2 + "<br>";
        text += "Straddle 2 : <br>";
        text +=
          "Days to exp 2 : " +
          Math.ceil(Math.abs(expiry2 - expiry1) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)) +
        return text;
      fillSeriesColor: false,
      theme: "dark",
      x: {
        show: true,
        format: "dd MMM yyyy",
      fixed: {
        enabled: true,
        position: "topLeft",
        offsetX: 0,
        offsetY: 0,
