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Can't get the scope inspector to recognise comments

I've been trying to write my own syntax highlighting extension for the rules we use in a document composition tool.

I've been able to get most of it working okay but I just can't get the comments to be recognised by the scope inspector.

I removed all the other working code from the tmLanguage file to rule out conflicts and am left with the following


    "scopeName": "source.ote-rules",
    "patterns": [{
        "include": "#expression"
    "repository": {
        "expression": {
            "patterns": [
                    "include": "#comments-ote"
        "comments-ote": {
            "patterns": [{
                    "include": "#comments-block"
                    "include": "#comments-line"
            "comments-line": {
                "match": "\\/\\/.*?$",
                "name": "comment.line.double-slash.ote-rules"
            "comments-block": {
                "begin": "\\/\\*",
                "end": "\\*\\/",

The file I'm trying to match on is a plain text file (*.txt extension) and comments are either line comments with a double forward slash or block comments which begin and end with /* and */ respectively

test text file.txt

// just some comment text 
  // indented comment
// left the above line empty apart from slashes
inline block comment 

When I look at the text above with the scope inspector it's recoginising that it's from source.ote-rules but is showing the token type as 'other'

screenshot of scope inspector output showing scope as other

I've checked the regex's on and they seem to work on the samples I've shown so what have I missed?


  • The problem is that patterns included with # references have to be directly in the "repository", but you nested them into "comments-ote". It simply doesn't find them.

    Also, you probably want to give your "comments-block" a scope name so it's highlighted as a comment, such as "name": "comment.block.ote-rules".

        "scopeName": "source.ote-rules",
        "patterns": [
                "include": "#expression"
        "repository": {
            "expression": {
                "patterns": [
                        "include": "#comments-ote"
            "comments-ote": {
                "patterns": [
                        "include": "#comments-block"
                        "include": "#comments-line"
            "comments-line": {
                "match": "\\/\\/.*?$",
                "name": "comment.line.double-slash.ote-rules"
            "comments-block": {
                "begin": "\\/\\*",
                "end": "\\*\\/",
                "beginCaptures": {
                    "0": {
                        "name": "punctuation.definition.comment.ote-rules"
                "endCaptures": {
                    "0": {
                        "name": "punctuation.definition.comment.ote-rules"
                "name": "comment.block.ote-rules"

    Note: you don't need to use "include", you can also specify the patterns directly within "patterns":

    "comments-ote": {
        "patterns": [
                "match": "\\/\\/.*?$",
                "name": "comment.line.double-slash.ote-rules"
                "begin": "\\/\\*",
                "end": "\\*\\/",
                "beginCaptures": {
                    "0": {
                        "name": "punctuation.definition.comment.ote-rules"
                "endCaptures": {
                    "0": {
                        "name": "punctuation.definition.comment.ote-rules"
                "name": "comment.block.ote-rules"