I know that I can apply motion
directly to element/HTMLtag like this:
<motion.div>some content</div>
But how can I apply it to this?
<Comp />
Without wrapping it inside another HTML element, like in React-Transition-Group
Framer API provides Frame
component, but it acts like permanent additional HTML element with own styling, and it is messing my layout.
If anyone comes to this page seeking for the solution of how to apply motion
from Framer-Motion library to your React Component and not the direct DOM element like "div" or "span", here it is:
Example of use:
import { Link } from "react-router-dom"
const MotionLink = motion.custom(Link)
return <MotionLink />
As for today it is not mentioned in the official documentation, or it is in someplace deep and hard to find.
I had found it in BUG reports here, there is a Codesanbox that illustrates my example, created by the person who reported a bug.
Edit: As mentioned by @Aleksandr K. below, use the following for Version >=4.1.3:
const MotionLink = motion(Link)