I'm trying to package a project using native-image-maven-plugin from GraalVM. I don't want to install native-image-tool, and I receiving the following error:
Image building on Java 11+ without native-image requires MAVEN_OPTS='--add-exports=java.base/jdk.internal.module=ALL-UNNAMED'
I've tried different ways to add these options but keep getting the same error. I would be grateful if someone could tell me how to add these options to the embedded Maven from Intellij.
Thanks in advance
I have the same error working from the command line on windows 10. The only way to get one step further was to definitively install the native-image extension with gu install native-image
and then copy <GRAAVM_HOME>\lib\svm\bin\native-image.exe
to <GRAAVM_HOME>\bin
as suggested here: https://github.com/oracle/graal/issues/2151#issuecomment-647522072