I have some code running selenium testing. My tests run with Junit 4.12 with @RunWith and @Suite annotations. Up until now I was running the test suite with 3 separate tests on one machine. I now have to run my tests on multiple machines some are setup without a GPU. As one of my tests depends on a GPU so I would like to be able to automatically omit the test when I run the suit on machines without GPU.
here my code at the moment -
is there any way to have another set of suits:
and run the suite according to systemProperties in pom.xml
so that when runWithGPU==True
I will run the first suite, but when runWithGPU==False
I will run the second suite?
I've figured out how to skip the test by adding the following line in my code:
public void test() {
assumeThat(System.getProperty("RUN_TEST_1"), CoreMatchers.is("True"));
// rest of code here
Now my code run skips the test if I run mvn test -DRUN_TEST_1=False
Hope this will help someone in the future.