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Should I use a global state or React hook's local state?

I have the following code (using React hooks):

const { state, dispatch } = useContext(Store);

const [branch, setBranch] = useState<TaskingBranchState | null>(null);
const handleBranchChange = (event: ChangeEvent<{}>, newValue: TaskingBranchState | null) => {
const [branchMembers, setBranchMembers] = useState([]);
const handleBranchMembersChange = (event: ChangeEvent<{}>, newValue: any) => {

Somewhere later in the code, I'm doing a useQuery to get the branchMembers, which is dispatched into my global state. If it matters, it looks like this:

useQuery(GET_BRANCH_MEMBERS(["id", "name"]), {
    variables: {
        branchId: branch?.branchId
    onCompleted: (data) => {
        if (data !== undefined && data.getBranchMembers !== undefined && data.getBranchMembers !== state.branchMembers) {
                type: 'DISPATCH_TYPE',
                payload: {
                    branchMembers: data.getBranchMembers

where dispatch writes the payload to a global state (the same state above in useContext).

My questions are:

  1. Should I be using state.branchMembers (the global value which useQuery dispatches to) or simply call setBranchMembers and use the local branchMembers state defined above?
  2. What's the difference?
  3. In either case, do I no longer need to define either global state (if answering no to Q1) or no longer need to define anything with useState locally (if answering yes to Q1)?

Been messing around with my code for a bit and only just realised I had this confusion. Not too familiar with React hooks tbh, so if it's a fundamentals problem, please help as well.

Thank you!


  • It depends on whether you would like to share the branchMembers between different components.

    Since you are already dispatching branchMembers to the global state I assume that you do want to share it. Therefore, you can just go with global state only and remove useState

    const { state, dispatch } = useContext(Store);

    There is NO NEED to write global state data (from context) to local state (from useState) in order to use it. You can use data from context right away.


    If your branchMembers depend on branch then just go ahead and dispatch the branchData along with branchMembers. Just remember to write it in the reducer

      payload: {
        branch: branchId, // or branch or branchData whatever needed
        branchMembers: data.getBranchMembers,
    // your-reducer.js
    function reducer(state, action) {
      switch (action.type) {
        newState = {
          branch: action.payload.branchId,
          branchMembers: action.payload.branchMembers,