Database: Postgresql
ORM: Entity framework core with Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL
Tried to call below fuction passing product list as json
dbContext.product.FromSqlRaw("SELECT pa.usp_set_product({0})", productjson).ToList();
return error as : "42883: function pa.usp_set_product(text) does not exist"
Then tried with below
dbContext.product.FromSqlRaw(@"SELECT pa.usp_set_product('" + productjson+ "')").ToList();
returns error: " Input string was not in a correct format "
Then tried below which works fine
using (var cmd = new NpgsqlCommand(@"SELECT pa.usp_set_product(@productjson)", conn))
cmd.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter("productjson", NpgsqlDbType.Json) { Value = productjson});
Any idea, please-
When you include a parameter value in FromSqlRaw, it will be sent as the default corresponding PG type; I'm assuming that your productjson
is a .NET string, which maps to a PG text
, not json
. The result is the same as your lower-level code using NpgsqlCommand, but without specifying NpgsqlDbType.Json
EF Core also allows you to pass a DbParameter instance instead of a raw value, so you should be able to do the following:
var jsonParam = new NpgsqlParameter("productjson", NpgsqlDbType.Json); dbContext.product.FromSqlRaw("SELECT pa.usp_set_product(@jsonParam)", jsonParam).ToList();
More information is available on this doc page.
Note: never concatenate or interpolate a string into the SQL of FromSqlRaw - that is vulnerable to SQL injection. Carefully read the EF docs for more information.
Note2: consider using the PostgreSQL jsonb
type instead of json
. You can read about the differences here.