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Android Emulator stays with black screen after trying a lot of things to fix it

My Android emulator starts but do not progress from the black screen, it happened from one day to another a few days after installing Android Studio 4.0. I tried the next things:

  • Reinstall completely from zero Android Studio
  • Installing/Uninstalling Android Emulator, Intel Xahm, Android Platform Tools
  • Creating and deleting New devices in the avd Manager with differentes images of Android
  • Put Graphics to Software or hardware and unable device frame
  • Rebooting pc multiple times
  • Invalidate Cache and Restart

Through the cli of Windows I run this command to try to get detail errors and nothing that i found worked

Windows CLI Details

Emulator stay this way till the message of "Timed out after 300seconds waiting for emulator to come online"

enter image description here


I had Vanguard software from Valorant running on background causing this issue. I unninstalled it and it was fixed


  • Have you tried enabling hyper-virtualization from your BIOS?

    1. It's important to check if you have at least 2GB of HDD space before starting it, usually, it turns to boot up slower if you are using a PC with less than 16 GB of RAM for this new Studio 4.0. Check out this link for more info.
    2. Also, check the amount of memory allocated to the Emulator, it should be probably higher than 512MB for a better experience.
    3. Also, check the amount of memory allocated to the android studio by doing: File -> Settings->Appearance & Behavior->Appearance. In my case, a 6GB works just fine.