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pkg_config_modules dependency fails because version in "Uncontrolled"

The Problem

I've got a CMakeLists.txt file with this content:

pkg_check_modules(FOO REQUIRED foo>=

When I run Cmake v3.17.2 with cmake3 -G Ninja . in that directory:

Checking for module 'foo>='
  Requested 'foo >=' but version of foo is Uncontrolled


  • This is running inside RHEL7
  • yum info foo | grep Version returns Version :
  • The foo module is created by the team I'm on

The Question

How can I tell CMake what version my foo library is so that it isn't "Uncontrolled"?


  • In the output of the foo project, inside of the generated lib64 directory, there's a pkgconfig directory which contains foo.pc.

    Inside of that file, version info is as follows:

    Version: HEAD

    Change this to be the intended version. In my case this was automated by the build process of foo, so what was required was to add a git tag for the current version and rebuild.