I am trying to use dll which reads incoming messages with a thread.Importing into unreal engine with Blueprint class, As I can't get the incoming messages. I am planning to have a event in the dll for which I'll put event handler in unreal engine code.
Can you please help me, Is this possible If it is how to work with it ?
I am trying something like this enter link description here
In dll code
EventCallback OnEvent = NULL;
DLL_EXPORT void WINAPI SetEventCallback(EventCallback func)
OnEvent = func;
DLL_EXPORT void WINAPI FireEvent()
if (OnEvent)
In Unreal engine code
typedef void(*_getSetEventCallback)(EventCallback);
_getSetEventCallback m_getSetEventCallbackFromDll=NULL;
void CALLBACK HandleEvent()
FString fstringVar = "Triggered by Event in dll";
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), fstringVar);
void UVectorDll::importSetEventCallback()
if (c_dllHandle != NULL)
FString procName = "SetEventCallback"; // Needs to be the exact name of the DLL method.
m_getSetEventCallbackFromDll = (_getSetEventCallback)FPlatformProcess::GetDllExport(c_dllHandle, *procName);
FireEvent can be done by dll or from Unreal Engine