I have recently upgraded an older application, based on Spring Boot, from version 1.5.9 to 2.2.6.
Unfortunately, after upgrading, the urls generated with HATEOAS are changed. Basically the context-path is missing from the Links now.
Before: https://domain.test.com/service/api/endpoint
Now: https://domain.test.com/service/endpoint
Right now I am using the following configs in application properties:
server.servlet.context-path: /api
server.forward-headers-strategy: FRAMEWORK
spring.data.rest.basePath: /api
(With none, the host is totally different(because of the x-forwarded-host. I have also tried with native, but same behavior)
I have also created a ForwardedHeaderFilter bean.
public ForwardedHeaderFilter forwardedHeaderFilter() {
return new ForwardedHeaderFilter();
Is there anything I can do to bypass this issue? Am I doing something wrong ?
One alternative would be to adjust the api gateway, but this would be really complicated from a business process perspective so I would prefer a more technical approach.
Thank you !
As a temporary solution, until I have time to really take a deeper look, I have created a new Utility class, that takes care of adjusting the path:
public class LinkUtil {
private LinkUtil() {
public static <T> Link linkTo(T methodOn) {
String rawPath = WebMvcLinkBuilder.linkTo(methodOn).toUri().getRawPath();
rawPath = StringUtils.remove(rawPath, "/service");
BasicLinkBuilder basicUri = BasicLinkBuilder.linkToCurrentMapping().slash("/api").slash(rawPath);
return new Link(basicUri.toString());
Where /api
is the context-path.
Then I use it like this:
Link whateverLink = LinkUtil.linkTo(methodOn(WhateverClass.class).whateverMethod(null)).withRel("whatever-rel));