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How to Customise the Extent Report by removing unwanted graphs and Extra space

is there a way to remove Steps Graph and Logs Graph From the extent report and customise the layout. (Need to remove the graphs in the highlighted in red) Example Image

Updated Issue: I was able to hide the unwanted graphs using the configuration.xml file

  <!-- custom javascript -->
            $(document).ready(function() {
            document.getElementsByClassName("col-sm-12 col-md-4")[1].style.setProperty("display","none");
            document.getElementsByClassName("col-sm-12 col-md-4")[2].style.setProperty("display","none");

    <!-- custom styles -->


but now the graph layout is not nice.. there are lots of unwanted blank space. is there a way to fix the layout issue

Updated Image


  • Hate to reply for the my own question :) but found a way to do this using java script. in the extent report configurations add the following line to resize the Test results graph

     sparkReporter.config().setJS("document.getElementsByClassName('col-sm-12 col-md-4')[0].style.setProperty('min-inline-size','-webkit-fill-available');");