I am trying to configure react navigation in my react native app which has persistent user authorization.
const Stack = createStackNavigator();
export default class App extends Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
jwt: '',
loading: true,
this.deleteItem = deviceStorage.deleteItem.bind(this);
this.loadItem = deviceStorage.loadItem.bind(this);
newJWT = (jwt) => {
newID = (id) => {
render() {
if (!this.state.jwt) {
return (
<Stack.Navigator headerMode='null'>
<Stack.Screen name="Login" component={LoginScreen}/>
<Stack.Screen name="Signup" component={SignUpScreen}/>
} else {
return (
<Stack.Navigator headerMode='null'>
<Stack.Screen name="AuthHome" component={AuthHomeScreen}/>
I need to pass jwt and user id to all authenticated screens and also pass functions like newJWT to LoginScreen.So I can use that function to update jwt and user id.
I don't want to use React Hooks or Redux for building this app.
Can anyone help me with these questions ?
You could use a React Context Provider in React Native. This prevents the use of props and lets you pass variables and functions through to any component inside of the provider.
Read more here