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I receive 'str' object has no attribute 'callables'

Trying to go through the list and display the callables assigned in cmds

This is in

class Cmd(object):
    def __init__(self, callables, func, cooldown=0):
        self.func = func
        self.cooldown = cooldown
        self.next_use = time()
        self.callables = callables

cmds = [
    Cmd(["hello", "hi", "hey"], misc.hello, cooldown=30),
    Cmd(["roll"], misc.roll, cooldown=15),
    Cmd(["potato", "potatoes", "p"], economy.potato, cooldown=15),
    Cmd(["heist"], bet.start_heist, cooldown=15),
    Cmd(["about", "credits"], misc.about, cooldown=15),
    Cmd(["uptime"], misc.uptime, cooldown=15),
    """Cmd(["loyalty"], misc.loyalty, cooldown=15),"""

This is in

def help(bot, prefix, cmds):
    bot.send_message(f"Registered commands (incl. aliases): "
                     + ", ".join([f"{prefix}{'/'.join(cmd.callables[0])}" for cmd in cmds]))

The issue is on the line

bot.send_message(f"Registered commands (incl. aliases): "
                     + ", ".join([f"{prefix}{'/'.join(cmd.callables[0])}"


  • As noted in the comments, it looks like you attempted to comment-out one of the entries in cmds by placing it in a string. Since this string does not have a callables attribute, an AttributeError is raised when cmds is presumably processed by your help function.

    Either deleting or commenting out (using a # sign) the last entry of cmds should fix your problem. E.g.,

    cmds = [
        Cmd(["hello", "hi", "hey"], misc.hello, cooldown=30),
        Cmd(["uptime"], misc.uptime, cooldown=15),
        # """Cmd(["loyalty"], misc.loyalty, cooldown=15),"""