I am trying to use an IF statement to turn a cell Yes if three conditions are met. It's not working for the third condition. Can anyone look at my formula and point me in the right direction? Note: I can't use array formula because there are other rows in the way.
The three conditions are:
IMPORTRANGE("1YMBUYC6JgQke-2YWs_VZx9zqlmOdhV8WYvhTpTVxBYM", "Sheet1!E2:E"),
IMPORTRANGE("1YMBUYC6JgQke-2YWs_VZx9zqlmOdhV8WYvhTpTVxBYM", "Sheet1!C2:C")}, 2, 0),
IMPORTRANGE("1YMBUYC6JgQke-2YWs_VZx9zqlmOdhV8WYvhTpTVxBYM", "Sheet1!B2:B")="Customer"), "Yes", )
Reference sheets: Test Sheet 2 Test Sheet 1
it goes like this:
=IF( (con1=true)*(con2=true)*(con3=true), do "yes", otherwise empty)
IMPORTRANGE("1YMBUYC6JgQke-2YWs_VZx9zqlmOdhV8WYvhTpTVxBYM", "Sheet1!E2:E"),
IMPORTRANGE("1YMBUYC6JgQke-2YWs_VZx9zqlmOdhV8WYvhTpTVxBYM", "Sheet1!C2:C")}, 2, 0),
(IMPORTRANGE("1YMBUYC6JgQke-2YWs_VZx9zqlmOdhV8WYvhTpTVxBYM", "Sheet1!B2:B")="Customer"),
"Yes", )))