Some PDE builds use map files. In my case, the project is BIRT and the map files contains things like:
The problems are ":ext:xgu" and "http://build-birt/"
I'm not xgu (I don't even have SSH access to the BIRT repo) and my DNS can't resolve "build-birt".
How can this be solved? Is there an ANT task in the PDE build where I can replace Strings in map files before Ant tries to fetch resources? Or is it possible to use variables in map files?
Check in your customTargets.xml file (copied from the template). I have a getMapFiles
target where it grabs the map files (in my case) from CVS. You could add a line at the end of that target to fix your map files.
You might be able to use the replace task, or you may need something more sed-like. ex replace:
<replace file="${buildDirectory}/" token="HEAD" value="${timestamp}" />
My example is fixing one of our .properties files.