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Variables in PDE map files

Some PDE builds use map files. In my case, the project is BIRT and the map files contains things like:


The problems are ":ext:xgu" and "http://build-birt/"

I'm not xgu (I don't even have SSH access to the BIRT repo) and my DNS can't resolve "build-birt".

How can this be solved? Is there an ANT task in the PDE build where I can replace Strings in map files before Ant tries to fetch resources? Or is it possible to use variables in map files?


  • Check in your customTargets.xml file (copied from the template). I have a getMapFiles target where it grabs the map files (in my case) from CVS. You could add a line at the end of that target to fix your map files.

    You might be able to use the replace task, or you may need something more sed-like. ex replace:

    <replace file="${buildDirectory}/" token="HEAD" value="${timestamp}" />

    My example is fixing one of our .properties files.