Who to set property from join expression
public interface IHiddenEntity
bool Hidden { get; set;}
public interface IEntity
long Id { get; set;}
string Name { get; set;}
public class Entity: IEntity, IHiddenEntity
public long Id { get; set;}
public string Name { get; set;}
public bool Hidden { get; set;}
public class Hidden
public string TableName {g et; set; }
public long RecordId { get; set; }
public class Person: Entity{ ... }
public IQueryable<T> All(bool loadHidden = false)
where T : class, IEntity, IHiddenEntity
string tableName = "<T> name";
return from x in Context.Set<T>()
join h in Context.Set<Hidden>().Where(record => record.TableName == tableName) on x.Id equals h.RecordId into hr
from h_r in hr.DefaultIfEmpty()
where loadHidden ? true : h_r == null
select x;
But I can’t understand how to set the value in the Hidden field.
UDP: Options to create a selection for each model are not considered - a lot of models with a huge number of fields!
So, found an idea. Create wrapped object with needed properties and cast to entity type after query executed.
internal EntityWrapper<T>
public T Model { get; set; }
public bool Hidden { get; set; }
public IQueryable<T> All(bool loadHidden = false)
where T : class, IEntity, IHiddenEntity
string tableName = "<T> name";
var query = from x in Context.Set<T>()
join h in Context.Set<Hidden>().Where(record => record.TableName == tableName) on x.Id equals h.RecordId into hr
from h_r in hr.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new EntityWrapper<T>(){ Model = x, Hidden = h_r != null};
query = query.Where(x => !x.Hidden);
And cast after build sql query and results with wrapped object.
Expression<System.Func<EntityWrapper<T>,T> castFunc = x => x.Select(wr => {wr.Model.Hidden = wr.Hidden; return wr.Model;});
Cast only IEnumerable<EntityWrapper<T>>
var result = castFunc(<query>.ToList());