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WordPress Multisite: Showing wp post to Static Html site

How can I show WP posts to HTML static page?

I already know for WP singal site this code works fine which is given in this tutorial: this working fine for singular site But this code is not working for wp multisites its giving "Database connecting error"


  • You can get the posts of your wordpress website with the rest api and use javascript to display the posts on a static html website.

    I will give you a code example using Vue JS.

    On your html page, you include vue js with adding this to your <head> section:

    <!-- development version, includes helpful console warnings -->
    <script src=""></script>

    That's all you have to do to use vue js, great.

    Now we need a javascript file, for example call it app.js and include this at the bottom of your html page using:

    <script src="app.js"></script>

    Inside of this app.js file you are getting the posts and saving it to posts: []. Put this code inside of the javascript file:

    new Vue({
    el: '#posts',
    data: {
        posts: [],
    mounted() {
            .then(response => response.json())
            .then((data => {
                this.posts= data;

    In this code, we create a new vue instance and assign it to the element with id #posts, we then get the data from the wordpress page inside of fetch and use &_embed to also get the featured image and the post terms (maybe you need this in your output).

    For your reference, if you need to get other post types:

    So we now have our posts in the data object. We can now use this data in our html page inside the div with the id #posts. You have to include the following code inside of the <body> of your html page:

    <div id="posts">
        <div v-bind:key="post.title.rendered" v-for="post in posts">
            <a v-bind:href=""><img v-bind:src="post._embedded['wp:featuredmedia']['0'].media_details.sizes.medium_large.source_url"></a>
            <a v-bind:href=""><h4 v-html=""></h4></a>
            <p v-html="post.title.rendered"></p>

    The v-for loops through your post and will always display the div container with a featured image (in medium size) and post titles, linked to the detail page of the post.

    So with using wordpress as a backend and vue js as frontend javascript framework, you can show your wordpress posts on a static html page.

    Of course there are other ways using Rest API and showing wordpress posts with javascript. But Vue JS is a state of the art framework and has a very good performance, so I would recommend using it.