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AWS WorkMail Create User API throwing `OrganizationNotFoundException` error

So I was using boto3 to connect with AWS WorkMail. I used one of my IAM User and gave the full WoekMail Permission to that user. I have an organization created and I wanted to programatically create an user for it using one of their API.

So my code looks something like this:

import boto3

from config import aws_credentials

client = boto3.client('workmail', **aws_credentials)

response = client.create_user(
    DisplayName='abhi jain',

So I keep getting this error:

botocore.errorfactory.OrganizationNotFoundException: An error occurred (OrganizationNotFoundException) when calling the CreateUser operation: Could not find organization with id 'm-69a01**********************848eb'

Just to make sure I double-checked my Organisation ID and have attached a screenshot. I am not sure if this is the right Organisation ID to be used with this API.

AWS Organization Settings Screenshot, I have whitened my creds. But you can still see the start and end of OrganizationID


  • Found my mistake, the aws credentials was set to the us-west-2 region while my organization was present in us-east-1.

    So as I cannot change my Organization region, I changed my region in my ~/.aws/config to the same region as my organization and used the same code and it worked like a charm.

    import boto3
    from config import aws_credentials
    client = boto3.client('workmail', **aws_credentials)
    response = client.create_user(
        DisplayName='abhi jain',