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Pupil Labs Eye Tracking camera set up, is my video feed inverted?

I just got Pupil Labs eye tracking headset (just the eye tracking cameras, no world view camera, regular headset not VR). I am using pupil labs capture software to get a video feed of my eyes and track my pupils to use in a Unity app. I noticed that my right eye video feed is inverted (upside down) by default, and I wanted to ask if that was intended or if my headset is somehow defective or incorrectly set-up. I ask because I saw a video of someone setting it up and their videos were both up-right with the correct orientation. Thank you for your input!


  • According to Pupil Labs' release documentation:

    The eye 0 (right eye) camera sensor is physically flipped, which results in an upside-down eye image for the right eye. This is by design and does not negatively affect pupil detection or gaze estimation. However, the upside-down eye 0 image repeatedly led users to believe that something was broken or incorrect with Pupil Core headsets. We flipped the eye 0 image now by default to better match user expectations with a right-side-up eye image.

    That is, the hardware intentionally has one camera physically flipped relative to the other. If this is visible to you in the video output, then you should either upgrade the software (which now defaults to flipping the image as required), or apply that setting manually.