How to validate (using a specified schema) a JSON input by the user during a POST request using a specified schema (we have to validate the JSON data each time it is received through the POST request)? Also, how to actually extract data entered by the user from a post request? I did the following to extract data entered by the user:
public Animal createConfig( @RequestBody Animal ani) {
try {
String str = ani.toString();
How can I actually read the JSON data entered by the user in the post request?
How to validate a JSON input by user during a POST request using a specified schema (we have to validate the JSON data each time it is received through the POST request)?
Add the annotation @Valid
(from javax.validation.valid
), like so:
public Animal createConfig(@Valid @RequestBody Animal ani) {
On your Animal DTO, add annotations on the field(s) that you want to be validated, example:
public class Animal implements Serializable {
@Size(max = 10)
private String name;
When Spring Boot finds an argument annotated with @Valid, it bootstraps Hibernate Validator(JSR 380 implementation) and ask it to perform bean validation.
When the validation fails, Spring Boot throws a MethodArgumentNotValidException
Also, how to actually extract data entered by the user form a post request?
Use the getter method on your Animal POJO. Example:
String name = ani.getName();
Also, if I have a json like: {"hype": {"key1":"value1"} }… then how can I access value1 in hype.key1?
public class Main {
public void createConfig(@Valid @RequestBody Animal ani) {
Map<String, String> hype = ani.getHype();
public class Animal implements Serializable {
private Map<String, String> hype;
public Map<String, String> getHype() {
return hype;
public void setHype(Map<String, String> hype) {
this.hype = hype;