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Handling accent characters while sending EDI message to a destination in BizTalk Server

I have a requirement in which I need to hardcode (is mandatory) a value ('A.H. La Kélisére') with accent characters, map this to a field in EDI schema and then send the message generated to a URI (dynamic send port) using AS2 transport. I have used the default pipeline 'AS2EdiSend' in the send port, but I am getting the below error:

There was a failure executing the send pipeline:……

Reason: Error: 1 (Segment level error)
    SegmentID: NAD
    Position in TS: 6
    21: Invalid character found

Error: 2 (Field level error)
    SegmentID: NAD
    Position in TS: 6
    Data Element ID: C05901
    Position in Segment: 6
    Position in Field: 1
    Data Value: A.H. La Kélisére
    21: Invalid character found 

I need to send the value as it is. How can this be achieved?


  • UNOA & UNOB do not support accented charters.

    Ask the recipient which EDIFACT character set they support and change to that.