I'm using TelnetClient.class
from Apache Commons Net 3.3 jar. My problem is that the behavior of the method setSoTimeout()
is not what is expected. This method, as far as i know, simply calls the one with the same name but in the Socket.class
setting the read()
timeout. This is a sample code (IOManager is just a class i made for I/O operations):
telnet = new TelnetClient();
telnet.connect("localhost", 2020);
manager = new IOManager(telnet.getInputStream(), telnet.getOutputStream());
while (true) {
manager.sendMessage("Peanut Butter Jelly");
And this is the code of the method i use to read in IOManager class (reader is a BufferedReader with the telnet inputstream which has the soTimeout enabled):
public String readBuffer() throws IOException {
StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
int len;
char[] chars = new char[1024];
do {
if ((len = reader.read(chars)) != -1) {
message.append(chars, 0, len);
} else {
throw new IOException("Stream closed");
} while (reader.ready());
return message.toString();
My problem is: even when im not calling the read()
in the moment the timeout seconds are counting! All i want is to attempt to read data for 10 seconds but when i read something and then i wait 10 seconds and write, when i attempt again to read BOOM! java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out
The timeout is expiring instantly! The server side then throw this: java.net.SocketException: Software caused connection abort: recv failed
The processes i work with do a lot of things before reading again, even waiting more than 20 minutes before sending a command again. The application must restart when it doesn't get an answer in the specified timeout. If i delete the Thread.sleep()
it reads and sends correctly, as long as the client could not read data in 10 seconds (normal)
I work a lot with Server/Client programs and Sockets. This is only happening when using the TelnetClient. What could be the problem? Why this behavior? If i can't get it to work i think im going to use Callabe and Future interfaces but that is another Thread just to read (ouch, im actually making multiple connections to that Telnet Server).
Thanks for reading.
I ran into this problem and solved it by turning off the reader thread in TelnetClient
telnet = new TelnetClient();
telnet.setReaderThread(false); // This prevents the timeout bug
telnet.connect("localhost", 2020);