I have a little problem with the regex in workbox (my service worker). I need to cache a respond of my api and this respond is an image. For that I need to request an url like this: https://myapi/image/12
So I can't inculud a specifique path in my service worker and I need to deal with regex I guess. I tried this:
urlPattern: new RegExp('\/image/'),
handler: 'NetworkFirst',
options: {
networkTimeoutSeconds: 15,
cacheName: 'Saved bill img',
expiration: {
maxEntries: 25,
maxAgeSeconds: 60 * 60,
but It doesn't work, any help ?
The question I should ask was how to define the beginning of a query in a regex. And so their is a lot of answer on that. So this is what I've done:
new RegExp('^https:\/\/myapi\/image/')