So I'm messing around with JS trying to create a method which adds CSS style to elements without removing currently applied style:
// ==================================================================================================
// this method adds style to an element using CSS inline syntax without removing unaltered CSS styles
// ==================================================================================================
Element.prototype.cssStyle = function (style)
let styleChars = style.split(''); // split each character of the style arg as an item in an array
let positions = [];
for(let i=0; i<styleChars.length; i++){
if(styleChars[i] === '-'){
positions.forEach(function (position){ // for each match
styleChars.splice(position, 1, style[position].toUpperCase()); // make that character uppercase
styleChars.splice(0, 0, '[["'); // add a "[[" item on the first position
styleChars.splice(styleChars.length, 0, '"]]'); //add a "[[" on the last position
style = styleChars.join('') // join back the array into a string
style = style.replace(/:/g, "\",\"").replace(/;/g, "\"],[\"").replace(/-/g, ""); // replace some character in order to make the string look like an array
style = JSON.parse(style); // parse the string into an array
for(let i=0; i<style.length; i++){ // for each item in the array
let property = style[i][0].replace(/ */, ""); // remove some characters which might inhibit normal execution
let value = style[i][1].replace(/;/, "").replace(/ */, ""); //remove some characters which might inhibit normal execution[property] = value // change style of the element
return this.getAttribute('style'); //return all inline CSS styles
so if I try to style an element like this:
Element.cssStyle('background-color: white; color: #000')
It works as expected, but if I add a ;
at the end of the parameter string I get this
Element.cssStyle('background-color: white; color: #000;')
'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'toUpperCase' of undefined'
Even though I don't see any apparent issues with the replace method, what could it be?
Replacing whitespace at that exact line works just fine, but trying to replace ;
I get that error.
Also how badly written is my code?
Here is an example:
Element.prototype.cssStyle = function(styleStr) {
let styles = styleStr.split(';')
styles.forEach(style => {
if (!style.trim()) return;
let name = style.split(':')[0].trim();
let value = style.split(':')[1].trim();[name] = value;
return this.getAttribute('style'); //return all inline CSS styles
let testEl = document.getElementById("test")
console.log(testEl.cssStyle("color: white; background-color: black;"))
<p id="test">This is a test paragraph</p>
A few things to note:
The code works by splitting the string into each style segment and then it loops over those with forEach
and changes the style of the element using
Hopefully, this helps.