I was working on an animation on processing. Then, I have a question about the loop. Normally, my code is more long. However, I made a simple code which can usefull also for the beginners. My sample code:
void setup(){
println("Line between points " + curr + " and " + (curr+1));
println("initial X: " + initialX + " initial Y: " + initialY );
println("final X: " + finalX + " final Y: " + finalY );
counter = 0; // reset counter;
void draw() {
point(initialX, initialY);
println(initialX, initialY, p);
So, like you see I used "Bresenhams Algorithm" for drawing the lines. However when I draw the lines it doesn't draw the lines between points. It's just drawing a little bit. Normally my text file is so long. How to I draw lines that can follow from first x and y coordinates to last x and y coordinates without disconnection?
This is implementation of a version of Bresenham's algorithm using balancing the positive and negative error between the x and y coordinates:
String[] coordinates = { // Creating an array for my text file.
"117 191",
"96 223",
"85 251",
"77 291",
"78 323",
"84 351",
"97 378",
"116 404",
"141 430"
int[][] points;
int deltaX, deltaY;
int initialX, initialY; // Initial point of first coodinate
int finalX, finalY; // Final point of first coodinate
int counter = 0;
int curr = 0;
int sx, sy, err;
void setup() {
size(500, 500);
coordinates = loadStrings("coordinates.txt");
beginShape(); // It combines the all of vertexes
points = new int[coordinates.length][2];
int row = 0;
for (String line : coordinates) {
String[] pair = line.split(" ");
points[row] = new int[] { Integer.parseInt(pair[0]), Integer.parseInt(pair[1])};
println(points[row][0]); // print x
println(points[row][1]); // print y
void fixLines() {
int ix = curr % points.length;
int jx = (curr + 1) % points.length;
initialX = points[ix][0];
initialY = points[ix][1];
finalX = points[jx][0];
finalY = points[jx][1];
deltaX = abs(finalX - initialX);
sx = initialX < finalX ? 1: -1;
deltaY = -abs(finalY - initialY);
sy = initialY < finalY ? 1: -1;
err = deltaX + deltaY;
println("Line between points " + curr + " and " + (curr+1));
println("[" + initialX + ", " + initialY + "] - [" + finalX + ", " + finalY + "]");
println("deltaX=" + deltaX);
void draw() {
point(initialX, initialY);
if (initialX == finalX && initialY == finalY) {
if (curr == points.length) {
} else {
} else {
int e2 = 2 * err;
if (e2 >= deltaY) {
err += deltaY;
initialX += sx;
if (e2 <= deltaX) {
err += deltaX;
initialY += sy;