I created a deep learning instance inside the AI platform of google cloud . I use the built in jupyterlab notebooks running on the browser (I use chrome). Recently I have a problem with saving the code. autosave as well as saving the notebook files does not work. I keep see the message "saving started" when I try to save, but nothing other than that happens, and the code is not saved. I tried restart the kernel as well as restart the instance but the problem keeps returning. Anyone here encountered the same thing? have a solution?
What worked for me eventually was instead of using https connection I connected to the instance via ssh and then to accessed jupyterlab in local host. I followed this link: https://cloud.google.com/ai-platform/deep-learning-vm/docs/jupyter
export PROJECT_ID="my-project-id"
export ZONE="my-zone"
export INSTANCE_NAME="my-instance"
gcloud compute ssh --project $PROJECT_ID --zone $ZONE \
$INSTANCE_NAME -- -L 8080:localhost:8080