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How does plus sign refers to plus function in Kotlin and is it an infix function?

I have three questions.

1. how does plus sign (+) or in operator refer to plus() and contains() functions?

2. Are these infix functions?
They didn't have infix notation.

3. Is there any way that we can define custom characters as operators?


  • 1) & 2)

    + and in (and some others) are language built-in and are implicitly infix and have relevant operator functions (plus & contains).$plus(kotlin.String,%20kotlin.Any)/other

    3) Yes, but you have to escape characters like this `$` or `^`

    infix fun Int.`√`(arg: Double): Double {
        return Math.pow(arg, 1.0 / this.toDouble())
    infix fun Double.`^^`(arg: Double): Double {
        return Math.pow(arg, this)
    fun main() {
        println( 3   `√` 27.0 )   // 3.0
        println( 3.0 `^^` 3.0 )   // 27.0