Search code examples

findItemsAdvanced suddenly failing with: The connection with the server was terminated abnormally

I wrote some API calls in VBA a few years ago and they've been working fine up until recently when one call started to fail.

Here's the code I'm using:

    Set req = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
    With req
        .Open "POST", "", False
        .setRequestHeader "X-EBAY-SOA-SERVICE-NAME", "FindingService"
        .setRequestHeader "X-EBAY-SOA-OPERATION-NAME", "findItemsAdvanced"
        .setRequestHeader "X-EBAY-SOA-SECURITY-APPNAME", "MY_APP_NAME"
        .setRequestHeader "X-EBAY-SOA-SERVICE-VERSION", "1.0.0"
        .setRequestHeader "X-EBAY-SOA-GLOBAL-ID", "EBAY-US"
        .setRequestHeader "X-EBAY-SOA-REQUEST-DATA-FORMAT", "XML"
    End With

Here's an example of the XML I'm using...

myXML = "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><findItemsAdvancedRequest xmlns=""><paginationInput><pageNumber>1</pageNumber><entriesPerPage>100</entriesPerPage></paginationInput><itemFilter><name>HideDuplicateItems</name><value>true</value></itemFilter><itemFilter><name>Seller</name><value>SELLER_NAME</value></itemFilter><keywords>"EXAMPLE OF SEARCH TERMS"</keywords><sortOrder>EndTimeSoonest</sortOrder></findItemsAdvancedRequest>"

However, I don't think the XML is really even relevant since it doesn't appear to be getting to that point. It's just rejecting the connection (it appears).

The error is: "The connection with the server was terminated abnormally."

It occurs when I run req.Send(myXML).

So far as I know, nothing has changed (the code certainly hasn't). The other API calls that I use (GetMultipleItems and GetSingleItem on are still working just fine. The error started occasionally popping up earlier in the year, but then became persistent in April and hasn't gone away since.

I've tried a different app name from a different developer account with the same results.

The most common solution mentioned for this error is an issue with TLS in VBA on Win7 machines:

WinHTTP - The connection with the server was terminated abnormally

However, every machine I've tested this on has been Win10. I also ran a check to see which protocol my connections are using, and it said TLS 1.2, so I'm already on the necessary protocol (so far as I know). Just in case, I implemented the reg hacks needed to fix the issue on Win7 and it did nothing (as you'd expect).

eBay support was useless and their forum is so bad I can hardly log in half the time, and the post I tried to put up there isn't even showing up, so here I am.


  • Well, it ends up that I wasn't using any security protocol at all (TLS or otherwise). I hadn't even noticed that the URL starts with "http:", which apparently was just fine up until a couple months ago, but they must have changed it recently to require secure http connections for all API calls. I changed the URL to "https:" and it started working again.