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In gRPC unable to bind enum values from message to dontnet core Dto

I need to define a string array type dataType in Grpc message. not sure how to do. right now i am doing it as a

repeated string Title= 1,

here i need name field as string array Type. But it is showing error that it is, field is readonly type when bind data in it:

public override async Task<UserResponse> CreateUser(
    UserModel request, ServerCallContext context)
    var eventResponse = new UserResponse();
    var createCmd = new CreateUserCommand
        Model = new UserDto
            Title = request.Title,
            Id = request.Id,

here in title i need to bind data


  • The generated code from protoc here gives you something like:

    private readonly RepeatedField<string> title_ = new RepeatedField<string>();
    public RepeatedField<string> Title {
        get { return title_; }

    So: Title is indeed read-only. This means that instead of assigning it, you should explore what APIs exist for adding to it - i.e.

    var user = new UserDto
        Id = request.Id,
    // or AddRange, etc

    You may still be able to use initializer syntax, too:

    new UserDto
        Id = request.Id,
        Title = { request.Title }

    (which is an .Add)