I am using crosstalk
in combination with reactable
. In the table I use grouped rows. Now I need to add a column total, using javascript.
title: "Focal Chart (Top)"
orientation: rows
Inputs {.sidebar}
cars <- MASS::Cars93[1:20, c("Manufacturer", "Model", "Type", "Price")]
data <- SharedData$new(cars)
filter_checkbox("type", "Type", data, ~Type)
filter_slider("price", "Price", data, ~Price, width = "100%")
filter_select("mfr", "Manufacturer", data, ~Manufacturer)
Row {data-height=500}
### Chart 1
groupBy = "Manufacturer",
searchable = TRUE,
columns = list(
Price = colDef(aggregated = JS("
function(cellInfo) {
// Calculate sum of all values in visible rows
var values = cellInfo.subRows.map(function(row) { return row.Price})
var total = values.reduce(function(a, b) { return a + b }, 0)
return total.toFixed(1)
"), footer = JS("function(colInfo) {
var values = colInfo.data.map(function(row) { return row[colInfo.column.id] })
var total = values.reduce(function(a, b) { return a + b }, 0)
return '$' + total.toFixed(2)
Manufacturer = colDef(footer = "Total")
defaultColDef = colDef(footerStyle = list(fontWeight = "bold"))
Row {data-height=500}
### empty
### empty
As you can see, the column total is $NaN. Ofcourse this is an unwanted outcome. If I remove the groupBy
parameter, the column total is $471.80, as it should be. Does anyone know how to fix this groupBy
behaviour? Many thanks in advance!
Originally answered at https://github.com/glin/reactable/issues/50, just copying it here:
This was an oversight in the reactable documentation -- the custom rendering docs don't mention what colInfo.data
looks like when you have grouped/nested data: https://glin.github.io/reactable/articles/custom-rendering.html#footers
Usually, data
will be an array of individual row data objects, like
"Manufacturer": "Acura",
"Model": "Integra",
"Type": "Small",
"Price": 15.9
However, when a row is aggregated, the individual sub row data will be nested under a _subRows
// For an aggregated row with 2 sub rows
"Manufacturer": "Acura",
"_subRows": [
"Manufacturer": "Acura",
"Model": "Integra",
"Type": "Small",
"Price": 15.9
"Manufacturer": "Acura",
"Model": "Legend",
"Type": "Midsize",
"Price": 33.9
You can insert a console.log(colInfo)
in the JS function to explore the full data structure in your browser's JavaScript console:
footer = JS("function(colInfo) {
Since the individual row data is now nested, it's a little more work to sum it all up, but here's one method that uses two forEach
data <- MASS::Cars93[1:20, c("Manufacturer", "Model", "Type", "Price")]
groupBy = "Manufacturer",
searchable = TRUE,
columns = list(
Price = colDef(
aggregated = JS("function(cellInfo) {
// Calculate sum of all values in visible rows
var values = cellInfo.subRows.map(function(row) { return row.Price})
var total = values.reduce(function(a, b) { return a + b }, 0)
return total.toFixed(1)
footer = JS("function(colInfo) {
var total = 0
colInfo.data.forEach(function(row) {
row._subRows.forEach(function(data) {
total += data[colInfo.column.id]
return '$' + total.toFixed(2)
Manufacturer = colDef(footer = "Total")
defaultColDef = colDef(footerStyle = list(fontWeight = "bold"))