I'm creating a website with a navbar and some JavaScript that sets the position and the background gradient of a div (class: bubble
) that highlights a navbar item based on the position that the user scrolls to. Here's every single tiny bit of my code:
const sections = document.querySelectorAll('selection');
const bubble = document.querySelector('.bubble');
const gradient = 'linear-gradient(to right top, #000428, #004e92)';
const options = {
threshold: 0.7
let observer = new IntersectionObserver(navCheck, options);
function navCheck(entries) {
entries.forEach(entry => {
const className = entry.target.className;
const activeAnchor = document.querySelector(`[data-page=${className}]`);
const gradientIndex = entry.target.getAttribute(`data-index`)
const coords = activeAnchor.getBoundingClientRect();
const directions = {
height: coords.height,
width: coords.width,
top: coords.top,
left: coords.left
if (entry.isIntersecting) {
bubble.style.setProperty('left', `${directions.left}px`)
bubble.style.setProperty('top', `${directions.top}px`)
bubble.style.setProperty('width', `${directions.width}px`)
bubble.style.setProperty('height', `${directions.height}px`)
sections.forEach(section => {
Now, I'm super new to JavaScript and can't find out why this isn't doing anything. Could anyone help me?
I also playing around with JavaScript and started with this YouTube-Tutorial.
Seems to be the same code.
I changed:
const activeAnchor = document.querySelector("[data-page="+ CSS.escape(className) + "]");
if (entry.isIntersecting){ bubble.style.setProperty('left', directions.left.toString() + 'px'); bubble.style.setProperty('top', directions.top.toString() + 'px'); bubble.style.setProperty('width', directions.width.toString() + 'px'); bubble.style.setProperty('height', directions.height.toString() + 'px'); console.log(bubble.style); }
And it works, but do not ask my why.
here my full JavaScript file:
const section = document.querySelectorAll('section');
const bubble = document.querySelector('.bubble');
const gradients = [
"linear-gradient(to right top, #56ab2f, #a8e063)",
"linear-gradient(to right top, #cb2d3e, #ef473a)",
"linear-gradient(to right top, #5A3F37, #2c7744)",
const options = {
threshold: 0.7
let observer = new IntersectionObserver(navCheck, options);
function navCheck(entries) {
entries.forEach(entry => {
const className = entry.target.className;
const activeAnchor = document.querySelector("[data-page="+ CSS.escape(className) + "]");
const gradientIndex = entry.target.getAttribute("data-index");
const coords = activeAnchor.getBoundingClientRect();
const directions = {
height: coords.height,
width: coords.width,
top: coords.top,
left: coords.left
if (entry.isIntersecting){
bubble.style.setProperty('left', directions.left.toString() + 'px');
bubble.style.setProperty('top', directions.top.toString() + 'px');
bubble.style.setProperty('width', directions.width.toString() + 'px');
bubble.style.setProperty('height', directions.height.toString() + 'px');
section.forEach(section => {